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Aimtal team spotlight — Janet Mesh

Last Updated 
May 10, 2022
Posted on
February 26, 2021
Janet Mesh

Get to know Janet Mesh (@meshymind on Instagram and Twitter), our CEO and Co-Founder! Before Aimtal, Janet was on a mission to find a marketing agency that would allow her to work when (often as a night-owl) and where (from the mountains of Chile to the biergartens of Germany) she wanted. That path led her to create the exact agency she wanted to work for.

Born and raised in Boston (Bah-ston) and often spotted with an oat-milk latte in-hand, Janet spearheads company-building initiatives and helps all team members at Aimtal to become their highest-performing and most successful selves.

Get to know her more in this spotlight interview!

Where were you born, and where do you live now?

I was born in Boston, Massachusetts, and am still currently here! I’m usually traveling to different cities or countries but Boston has always been my home base.

What made you want to start a digital & content marketing agency?

I had this ideal vision of what an agency could and should be in my mind—one that provided high-quality services, allowed their teams to do the work they were passionate about, and allowed them to work from anywhere in the world. In 2018, I couldn’t find this perfect fit and realized I couldn’t change another company from the inside so I decided to start the agency I always wanted to work for! My freelance & consulting work really started to take off in 2018 so it was a natural progression to turn the dream into a reality and to start an agency so I could build a team and better serve my clients (shout out to my loyal clients who have been with us from before day 1 of Aimtal).

Where does the name Aimtal come from?

When we were envisioning the name of the company, we wanted it to have its own identity and to represent the value we provide to clients. Aimtal is a combination of words “aim” and “digital.” It also sounds similar to “aim tall” which aligns with the high-quality and high-standards we have for our work and services. Fun fact: My business partner and our COO, David, actually came up with the name!

What are your goals for this year?

Professionally: our #1 goal is to position Aimtal as the leading B2B marketing agency in the tech & SaaS industries. We’re also planning to expand our specialty areas, client services, and team. Let’s just say — there’s a lot in the works!

Personally: develop a strong routine for meditating & journaling and hopefully, purchasing a home!

What is one marketing mistake many brands make that can easily be avoided?

Focusing too much on the data and numbers, instead of the people in your audience or who are your customers.

Many brands use data to drive their marketing decisions but we use data to inform decisions. We take an empathetic approach to marketing strategy & execution in which the customer is at the center. In addition to data points like age or location, it’s crucial to understand the challenges, desires, and goals of your customer. High numbers of traffic, followers, downloads, etc. are all important to measure success, but what good are those numbers if your marketing, product, or service doesn’t speak to the right person or help solve a problem they are facing?

What is one thing you believe every marketer should know?

How to be agile and curious. The most successful marketers have this mindset. The world is constantly changing so marketing is constantly changing. It’s impossible to know everything but those who approach any new tool, platform, or tactic with curiosity and chooses to figure it out instead of giving up will always succeed in their careers.

You are hosting a dinner party and get to invite 3 famous people (dead or alive), who do you choose?

William Shakespeare, Jacinda Ardern, and Taylor Swift

What are your favorite ways to spend your free time outside of work?

I like entertaining and being entertained. I enjoy most of my free time with my partner, family, and friends—usually over some good food & drinks! You can also find me traveling, getting lost in a museum, or at a show (such as a musical or live concert).

If you had to pick one artist/song to narrate your life from this point on, what would it be?

“Look For The Good” by Jason Mraz

If you could choose to be an animal, which would you choose?

My dog-niece, Luna. She literally has the best life — naps, plays, and eats gourmet meals every day.

What did you want to be when you grew up?

An actress on Broadway! I actually performed in over 10 musicals when I was a child.

What are you currently binge-watching?

I’m a fan of period-piece dramas so I’m currently watching one called “Poldark.” I’m also re-watching/binge-watching the entire series of The Office.

How would you describe yourself in 3 words?

Passionate, empathetic, creative.

How do you take your coffee?

Iced caramel latte with oat milk.

What’s your favorite place that you’ve traveled to? Which destinations are at the top of your travel list?

Now, this is a tough one! I’ve traveled to over 30 countries and have a lot of favorites. Since I have to pick one, I will go with Sevilla, Spain. It has everything I love about a destination and Spanish culture in one place (the history, food, flamenco dancing, siestas, and more). I also studied abroad in Sevilla so it holds a very special place in my heart. My other top destinations are Chile, Mexico, Ireland, and Poland.

What is your #1 piece of advice for fellow entrepreneurs?

Surround yourself with people who support you at your best or worst. Being an entrepreneur is hard and requires a ton of grit, integrity, and motivation, so develop a network and community of people who will cheer you on during your highest of highs and lowest of lows.

Name a quote that you live by:

“Excellence is to do a common thing in an uncommon way.” — Booker T. Washington

Janet Mesh - Aimtal

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